I hit two months on the mission this last week!
We had an in-person training for all of the new missionaries, meaning I got to see some of my favorites- Sister Strong, Elder Ragan, and Elder Nelson! President Alder thought Sister Strong and I were so cute for showing each other our teaching notes, so he took a picture of us with his iPad lol
Reupholstered some chairs for Sister Caple! Sister Murph did nothing except pose for the picture
Not the most successful week in terms of finding new friends to teach, but our friends that we are currently teaching are doing AMAZING!
Yesterday was Fast Sunday! In our church, every first Sunday of the month, we engage in a worldwide fast. Members typically give up food and water for two meals (or social media, or driving, or putting on makeup, or anything that you heavily rely on in your day-to-day life) as a way to show God you are willing to give up something important as you plead intently for the cause you are fasting for. Fasting also helps us remember to pray- nothing makes me pray harder than when my stomach growls in the middle of the sacrament (communion). We fast because God honors fasting, which we know via the scriptures (Exodus, 1 Kings, Esther, Malachi, Matthew, Alma, 3 Nephi, and SO many more).
This week I invite you to consider the things going on in your life or in the lives of those around you + maybe even start a fast to see God's hand in those areas of your life- you never know what could happen ;)
Also, letter receiving is my love language, so someone write me more letters please:
Sister Alyssa Saylor
Kentucky Louisville Mission
1325 Eastern Pkwy
Louisville, KY 40204