2024 Youth Conference
June 27-30, 2024
I am a Disciple of Jesus Christ
Get Ready!
HB Stake Youth Conference will be from Thursday, June 27 through Sunday, June 30. We will stay local but plan to have the youth sleep at host homes on Thursday and Friday night. Please plan to attend all 4 days.
We will coordinate car/van pools to get the youth to/from daily activities including workshops, Wild Rivers, Service, Games, Dancing and much more.
The purpose this year is to:
Strengthen conversion to Christ's Gospel through "Living It" here in HB
Experience a couple of days living the gospel the Lord's way ... all areas of development! - on their home turf!
Stay night in the home of a member of our stake
Strengthen faith and testimony - conversion!
Learn, act, become!
Registration and Permission Slips
There are 2 links below: 1) Register (currently closed). 2) Permission Slip needs to be filled out, signed and collected at the ward level. Please deliver to Bev Hanson on or before the first day of the conference.
All food will be provided.
All youth will need to return home on Saturday night. Sunday will include a final Fireside and testimony meeting.
Adult Leaders
We would like about 4 adult leaders from each ward to also attend youth conference. This will include the workshops, service project, LA Temple and LB boat cruise. We need 2 adults from each ward to drive 15-seater vans (we have rented 12 of them). We need to limit the number of adult due to tickets and occupancy for Wild Rivers and the LB boat cruise.
Additional Links