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Huntington Beach

Sister Roberts - March 7, 2022

Hello everyone!! Another week down, another one to go! We get transfer news on Sunday... exciting! This week we had some really good lessons!! Quick recap: 1. Sister Belmarez sees demons, but she was scared to tell us because she uses crystals and things of that nature to ward them off. I think she thought we were going to tell her that is stupid and pointless so when we were like "hey whatever works for you do it!!" she was a little confused and relieved, but it is working for her so why would we make her stop? She's awesome. 2. Sister Peña invited her mom and brother who aren't members over for a discussion with us about how "God cleans up Satan's messes." I don't think they knew we were coming and we definitely didn't know they would be there, but it was amazing! We were talking about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and her mom started getting teary eyed and essentially shared that this message is exactly what she was trying to teach her son about this morning but he wasn't listening, so she was so glad that we were teaching it again in a better way and with scripture references! (if you'd like to hear what we shared I'd be more than happy to email y'all about it) 3. Jocelyn!! Fasted!!! Yesterday!!!! She's been going through a lot and praying about it, but not seeing results, so we offered to fast with her. She totally did it on her own and decided that "restricting my cigarettes felt like the right thing to do too." Hello, ELECT??!!?!? So that was awesome, and then I shared a Book of Mormon verse (Ether 12:27) and she downloaded the app on her own to find the reference and keep reading. It was amazing!! Please keep her and her daughter, Leila in your prayers! We had dinner on Tuesday with the Cockerham's, who spent 20-30 minutes showing us his collection of action figures upstairs. You could take your pick, he had about 75 Marvel figures and at least double that in Star Wars. I think I did a good job at seeming interested and making him feel good about it. He also spent the rest of dinner explaining in detail how to play Dungeons and Dragons. Who wants to start a campaign?? We had lunch with a nonmember at this really good Mexican restaurant called Viola's! Then later that night we had a dinner appointment with members and they decided to take us to this really good Mexican restaurant called Viola's! I think I gained 5 pounds that day and can never return to that restaurant, but it's good food for sure. Our stake does this cute thing once a year called the Garden Expo where "Master Gardeners" teach classes on things like composting, succulents, proper soil, plants that are good in Texas, etc. We got to volunteer and show people around which was fun! There were lots of nonmembers there that were asking about our church and what we do here, so it was a good opportunity to be in the community helping out and being seen! I don't know if y'all remember Brother Anderson who loves succulents and had us talking about them for a good 20 minutes, but I mentioned wanting to go to the succulent class because they were giving out cute little succulents and my last one (Oliver) shattered into a million pieces (long story) and he was like "Oh, well you can just have some of mine! I have enough! Why don't you come by and take some home?" So now I get to have succulents again Sweetest old man ever. I will finish this email with the start of my collection of fun names of people that I've met: Goldy FishLesby Ann Sorry this was a long one, lot's to tell!! Have a good week :) Sister Roberts Beer cactus Sunset x2 Me + Book of Mormon = happy x2

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