¿Quémapue? A few days ago, I got MyPlan in my email, it's like the church's program to help missionaries get back to normal life and prepare for their futures! Exciting stuff
  Our friend Gilma was baptized this Saturday, it was a super beautiful baptism, and all of her family came. We wanted our new convert Anderson (her son) to baptize her, but he didn't feel ready. The ward went to temple in the morning, so everybody was tired and literally nobody came. I had to direct the meeting, give a prayer, give the message, lead the hymns and be a witness. Overall, it was a beautiful baptism and I felt the spirit a ton!! Gilma gave her testimony at the end, again inviting all of her nonmember family to get baptized too :)
   We've had a lot of our friends come to church lately, sometimes we literally have to beg them and remind them five times, so they actually come. Colombians are really nice, so when they tell you yes it doesn't actually mean yes.Â
  We participated in stake council with all the leaders and talked about a lot of important subjects and how we can help the wards out! It was cool being there because they asked us a lot of things and we realized that the wards aren't really helping the missionaries out. We made a bunch of goals and plans for the stake; it was pretty cool to participate.
  Hasta la vista baby