Well it's been an emotional week as it was Elder Chandlers last week of the mission and Thursday was his last day and he ended on a high note. After all that time of thinking of home he finally is now. Queue the bagpipes, goodbye trumpets, and gun salute.Â
Our last week was cool, we met some cool people who have been from our areas in Oakton and a lady who called us sexy cause we were men of God. The lady liked our church cause it sounded like her kind of church with similar beliefs and the guy has read some of the Book of Mormon when attending his church. The guy also surprised us cause he was a vet in a wheelchair, but then he stood up when his bus came; it's a miracle.Â
Wednesday was super fun cause we got to go to the mission home for farewell interviews for Chandler and so I got to just be in the home alone. So what else is there to do but walk around and take pictures. Later that night we got transfer news and to my surprise I get Elder Moss coming into the district and Elder Hiner as my companion. Super duper happy. Earlier we also got to have good Venezuelan food thanks to Luis and then Chandler got to say goodbye to him and Brother Edwards.Â
Thursday rolled around slowly, but it was a nice day despite the smoke and ash that's been everywhere due to Canada burning.Â
We had fun helping the Ellis's with the doctors and that was the biggest part of our Thursday. It was a good finding day that ended with Chandlers last door knock in the square. It was beautiful moment that got better when we drank Mt Dew with the other Elders, a toast to safe travels.Â
Anyway the work goes on and it's the start of a new transfer. Friday we dropped off the two and picked up the others and we've been tearing things up since. It's been Hiner and I working now, mostly finding till we get more people to teach, which is new to him cause he's from the YSA/MSA.Â
He's been learning the area and it helps yo be a seasoned vet, who knows the area inside and out, with this sort of thing. He's about 5 months out, yet he's very experienced due to previous stellar companions.Â
We also had a fun emergency service at united community(it was cool with the head lady saying Ive just been a part of this whole thing helping) moving boxes after going over tongive a blessing to the sisters. I love busy days and I've learned this helpful skill, always expect the unexpected.Â
The best experience I've had so far was yesterday when we went to visit the Ellis's again. Frank was in bed not feeling well, but we still administered the sacrament cause he wanted it along with Shirley, after I gave him a blessing. Shirley spent awhile teary-eyed telling us how far Frank has come cause bow he's taking the sacrament. She thanked me so much for always coming and supporting them and that in time, and with friends, Frank will get baptized. I've made a difference in that home and it made my heart just melt and after a lot of hugs we left to head out, with our ice creams of course.Â
It was just a heart melting day cause we had a tear jerking moment with the Butikofers at church. Jonas Butikofer gave his coming home talk and later he spoke again at a general priesthood meet we went to. It was a very amazing day.Â
One thought I've been fighting recently is of home. With missionaries finishing their mission all around me it's made me think of my time left. I'm gonna focus up here, but it's different now; the mission glasses aren't so thick anymore so to speak. It feels very weird.Â
Today we had some fun with the other elders both new and old. We played pickleball with a bunch of senior citizens. Now I've been getting pretty good at the game, but I'm no comparison to my last teammate Tyler. We smoked the other together and it was awesome. He ended his previous losing streak and we got a picture together.Â
Oh yeah Hiner is also a famous baker aka the muffin man. So I'm going to have fun this Transfer! 😊Â