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Ashley B Beachside Sacrament 12/26/2021

Updated: Feb 12, 2022

Good Morning Brothers and Sisters. I am happy to have the opportunity to speak to you today.

In the 22nd chapter of Luke verses 19 & 20 we read the following:

“And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.”

“Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.”

With these two scriptures, we learn how the Savior introduced the Sacrament.

The Savior first broke bread. Bread is a carbohydrate which is the main source of energy for our bodies. It can provide our bodies with strength and energy to function. Simple recipes have been made since the beginning of mankind on earth. Different varieties of bread can be found throughout the world making it one of the most common food items. This is because it can have a longer shelf life than other foods and is easily portable.

Sometimes we find that the word bread and food are interchangeable. For instance, in the Saviors prayer found in Mathew 6:11 when he said “Give us this day our daily bread.” Here the Lord draws reference to how bread nourishes us and sustains us.

I’ll share three ways that bread can help remind us of the Savior.

  1. Bread Nourishes us. Through His Atonement and Resurrection, Jesus Christ enlivens our spirits and bodies. Because of His Resurrection, our bodies and spirits will be united inseparably, never to die. Through Him, the Bread of Life, we are fed spiritually, receiving spiritual energy and strength. The sacrament reminds us of this.

  2. Bread is common. Jesus Christ’s Atonement and Resurrection are available to all mankind and do not require us to go to exotic lengths to receive their blessings.

  3. Bread Is portable. There is nowhere you can go (spiritually or physically) where the Atonement of Jesus Christ cannot reach you if you are willing to repent.

The first sacrament used wine to represent the blood of Jesus Christ. Today we use water, but it carries the same meaning.

Water covers about 71 percent of earths surface. Water is in our air as water vapor, glaciers, plants, animals and the human body. In fact, the human body is mostly water, approximately 60%. Water helps regulate our bodies temperature and other bodily functions. All living things on this earth require water. We can only survive three to four days without water.

How does the sacrament water remind me of Jesus Christ? Well, water is essential for life and so is the Savior.

In second Nephi chapter 9, Jacob teaches that without Jesus Christ, we would be subject to physical and spiritual death eternally. The Saviors triumphant atonement and resurrection brings immortality to our body. His blood was shed to pay the price of our sins so that we can repent, obtain forgiveness, and live again spiritually in Heavenly Father’s presence. In the new testament in the book of first John chapter 5 verse 12 we learn: “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life”. Therefore Jesus Christ truly is the water of life and essential to our existence.

In John chapter three verse 16 we learn that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. Jesus was the willing gift to the world from a loving father. Yesterday the world celebrated this gift by giving and receiving presents to loved ones. When receiving gifts I’m filled with gratitude because I recognize that the person thought of me. I also realize the sacrifice that had been made to give me a gift. So it is with the gift from our heavenly father. I can show my gratitude each week as I prepare early and reverently to receive the sacrament. When getting prepared for the sacrament I pray the morning of and listen to hymns as my family drives over to church so I can invite the spirit in. When I do this it shows Heavenly father that I am grateful for the blessing it brings.

In closing, I would like to bear my testimony that I know the church is true, and that our Prophet speaks truths. I know that Jesus died on the cross in calvary and was born in Bethlehem. Because of him we are able to have this joyous Christmas season. I am grateful for him and I always strive to be like him. I know that we will be able to see him again in his full glory. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

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