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Pacific Shores Sacrament Meeting December 10, 2023

Updated: Dec 11, 2023

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found anymore in heaven. (Revelation 12:7-8)

Location 8702 Atlanta Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92646

Leadership Bishop Joe Rasmussen

Quinn Dowel, First Counselor

Dustin Morrison, Second Counselor

Assigned Missionaries

Conducting: Quin Dowell Organist: James Jones Chorister: Eric Gustafason

Opening Prayer: by Invitation

Sacrament Hymn: #193 - I Stand All Amazed

Administration of the Sacrament

Renewal of Covenants

Speaker: Helen Riiter

Special Musical Number

O Holy Night

sung by Paige Jones & accompanied by Jim Jones

Speaker: Brian Ritter

Closing Prayer by Invitation

This program will be published on Friday of each week.


December 10: Welcome Home the Returning Missionary Couple: Helen and Brian Ritter

December 10 - 2nd Hour: Relief Society, Elders Quorum, Young Men, Young Women

December 11 - 17: Come, Follow Me - Revelation 6-14

December 16: Ward Christmas Party (see flyer below)

December 24: Christmas Eve Sacrament Meeting will be combined with the Beachside Ward. Starts at 10 AM (Come early to sit in your usual seat)

We are still gathering gifts for the Youth Shelter. See the list of gifts on the flyer below. Or click here to be taken to the Amazon page to purchase gifts to be shipped to Sara Walk. Or click here to send her money to buy gifts. (see flyer below)


Stake Temple Recommend Interviews - Members of the stake presidency hold temple recommend interviews on Sundays from 2:30-3:30, except on Fast Sundays, or special holidays.

Nov 28-Dec 17: The Giving Machine daily from 10 am - 9 pm @ Pacific City (follow this link)

December 10: Youth Covenant Path Class @ 4 pm 17th St. bldg. Everyone bring a friend.

February 17-18, 2024: Stake Conference

Come, Follow Me Classes:

Tuesday mornings at 9 am with Bruce Richardson. Email for study materials.

Thursday evenings at 7 pm with Kevin Monson

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