Hola a todos!
Currently on my way to Sevilla for a multi zone P-Day and zone conference tomorrow, which is why my P-Day was on Wednesday this week. We're PUMPED for this conference, and especially because I get to spend the night with my boy Elder Coello. Can't wait!
This week was very long but so good in many ways. On Tuesday and Wednesday we cruised up to Madrid to grab my residency card so I'm officially legal in Spain now. Before I was only sort of legal, but now I'm fully legal or at least for the next few months. We drove up in our car with two other elders, Elder Teeter and Elder Gilson, and chatted for hours about mission stories, old stories from home, and so on. The great thing about missionaries is that we ALWAYS have stuff to talk about.Â
We also took the opportunity of being up in Madrid to make a quick stop at the temple. We had an amazing session and I left once again with a huge love of the temple. I wish I could go every week!
We came back and the next day we took the boat over to Ceuta. We spent time with the members there, taught them lessons, and tried to visit the less active members. I always admire the strength of the members over there since they have such a lack of support from the other Spanish wards and stakes, and yet they still find ways to follow Christ in their very isolated area. Super inspiring and I love visiting them every time.Â
I had two exchanges this week, which was pretty crazy. One with the ZLs and one with Elder Kooyman, my ZL. Both of them were awesome, with some incredible lessons, especially with Pepi. She has been progressing so slowly and has a tendency to drive the lessons off the rails, but she keeps coming back for more and I'd becoming happier. But she actually sat through a lesson about the first vision and enjoyed it and shared her experiences that she has had. Super awesome. And we also had a great lesson with one of our members and she got super committed with her family to doing some ministering to the people in the branch. Double awesome.Â
We keep on pressing forward here in Algeciras! There may be many obstacles for us here, but that won't be able to stop us. We can see the potential here, and we're going to shake things up. I have a feeling I'll be here a long time, so I might as well make the absolute most of it. With Christ at our side we can do anything!
"But a commandment I give unto you, that ye shall declare whatsoever thing ye declare in my name, in solemnity of heart, in the spirit of meekness, in all things. And I give unto you this promise, that inasmuch as ye do this the Holy Ghost shall be shed forth in bearing record unto all things whatsoever ye shall say."
D&C 100:7-8
¡Cristo vive! ¡El Libro de Mormon es verdadero!
¡Os amo!
Élder Ritter
I don't even know what these are called but they were delicious. I'll just call them empanadasÂ
This colorful building
A little area for cats in Ceuta
Eating camperos. We had a little French fries with our sauceÂ
District council in the hotel
Temple :)