Time and Location:9:00 AM8702 Atlanta Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92626
Presiding:Bishop Brett Greathouse
Conducting: Bishop Brett Greathouse
Organist: Brother Jim Crandall
Chorister: Sister Marin Bradshaw
Opening Hymn #3 Now Let Us Rejoice
Ward Business: Bishop Brett Greathouse
Sacrament Hymn #182 We’ll Sing All Hail to Jesus Name
Administration of the Sacrament
Youth Speaker: Sister Lauren Dalebout
Speaker: Sister Lily Pearson
Special Musical Number: "Amazing Grace" performed by Marin Bradshaw, Ragen Porter, and Amanda Knowles
Speaker: Brother Scott Hadley
Closing Hymn #1005 His Eye is On the Sparrow
Benediction: By Invitation