“. . . yea, ye see that God will support, and keep, and preserve us, so long as we are faithful unto him, and unto our faith, and our religion . . . ” -Alma 44:4
8702 Atlanta Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Leadership Presiding: Bishop Joe Rasmussen Conducting: Bishop Rasmussen Organist: James Jones Chorister: Evan Moffett
Opening Hymn
#60 - Battle Hymn of the Republic
Opening Prayer by Invitation
Sacrament Hymn
#170 - God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray
Administration of the Sacrament Renewal of Covenants
Bearing of Testimonies
Closing Hymn
#338 - America the Beautiful
Closing Prayer by Invitation
This week:
No Temple Recommend interviews this week as it is Fast Sunday.
Huntington Beach Parade - July 4th 9:30am - Main St.
Come cheer for the JustServe Float
Upcoming Events
Relief Society Powers of Heaven class - Sunday July 16th 4-5pm - 17th Street Building
Stake HP Quorum Meeting - Sunday July 30th
Post FSY Recap - August or September (tbd)
Stake Youth Dance - Saturday Sept 2nd 8:30pm - FV building- Chaperones: Harper Park
Stake Conference - Sunday Sept 10th
General Announcements:
Stake Temple Recommend Interviews - Members of the stake presidency hold temple recommend interviews Sundays from 2:30-3:30, except on Fast Sundays or special holidays. For recommendations for living ordinances, please schedule an appointment with President Richardson by contacting Jim Watkins at 714-404-8113.
Join us on our social media channels. Follow, like, comment & share posts from our FB and Instagram channels! Review sacrament meeting talks from stake members!
Instagram HB Stake: @churchofjesuschrist_hb
Instagram Youth:@churchofjesuschrist_hbyouth
Links to sacrament meeting talks: https://www.churchofjesuschristhb.org/blog/categories/sacrament-talk
Just Serve: JUSTSERVE.ORG is a great place to find opportunities near you.
If you know of an organization in need of volunteers or opportunities to serve,
please contact Steve Chauncey of Stake Public Affairs to arrange to get any
opportunities publicized. steve_chauncey@yahoo.com 714-658-5552
Education opportunities: Pathway Connect - BYU Pathway - Helps people move quicker towards earning an online certificate or degree at an affordable price, PathwayConnect is now only three blocks, each for 7 weeks. This means students can begin earning a marketable certificate even sooner. Several scholarships are available. Classes for the fall semester begin in September and the deadline to apply for is August 22, 2023. It only takes about 5–10 minutes to apply and there is no cost to apply. For more information or to apply on-line, go to byupathway.org or contact your local BYU-Pathway missionaries: Elder & Sister Bass, 949-241-7125 or dab232@cox.net."
Monthly midsingles (27-45) class by Larry Johnson, 4th Thursdays at 7pm at the Fountain Valley Building. Brother Johnson teaches a class on contemporary/cutting-edge issues affecting singles in the church, and the church more broadly.
Addiction Recovery Program every Thursday from 7:00pm-8:30pm in the stake center high council Room - We cover substance (alcohol, drugs-prescription and illegal-,cigarettes, food disorders, etc) and behavioral addictions (gambling, eating, pornography, etc). If you have any questions, please contact Bill Price at 714-969-6628 or just show up. This is an anonymous and confidential meeting.
Patriarchal Blessings - Once you have a recommend from your bishop, please schedule your patriarchal blessing by calling Leslie Borgquist at 714-371-5499.
Come Follow Me Classes:
Tuesday mornings at 9am with Bruce Richardson. Email richfamily13@gmail.com for study materials
Zoom Meeting ID: 986 1516 8135
Zoom Meeting Passcode: Liahona
Link for viewing PAST Come Follow Me lessons: https://www.churchofjesuschristhb.org/blog/categories/come-follow-me-richardson
Thursday evenings at 7pm with Kevin Monson
Zoom Meeting ID: 990 3093 3832
Zoom Meeting Passcode: Liahona
Temple and Family History
Temple Deep Learning Podcast is available. You can view the class by clicking the following link: churchofjesuschristhb.org and scrolling down the main page.
The podcast is designed to address the doctrine of the Temple and the Covenant Path, providing insights and application through presentation and interviews with members. It can help prepare one for the temple but provides the greatest benefit to those who have been endowed.
Newport Beach Temple - All ordinances can be scheduled by appointment. Proxy ordinances may be limited to members residing in this designated temple district. Patrons should make appointments by logging into their account at churchofjesuschrist.org or email appointment requests to:
The Family Search Center (formerly known as Family History Center) is open Wednesdays: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Thursdays: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm.
Building Schedulers:
Fountain Valley Building - Geri Lawler - grlawler10601@gmail.com
Stake Center Building - Diane Andrew - 714-609-9211
17th Street Building - Anne Bradshaw - 949-357-4424