“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." -John 14:27

Location 8702 Atlanta Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Leadership
Bishop Joe Rasmussen Pat Bennett, First Counselor Quin Dowell, Second Counselor Conducting: Joe Rasmussen
Organist: James Jones
Chorister: Eric Gustafason
Opening Hymn #223 -Have I Done Any Good? Opening Prayer by Invitation Sacrament Hymn #187 - God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son Administration of the Sacrament Renewal of Covenants Speaker: Andrew Poulter
Speaker: Pat Bennett
Ward Choir: Draw Near Unto Me with Ashley Green as Accompanist Speaker: Amber Baltzer
Closing Hymn: #122 - Though Deepening Trials Closing Prayer by Invitation
WARD ANNOUNCEMENTS October 28, 2023: Trunk or Treat 5:15 PM to 7:15 PM
October 29: 5th Sunday Program: Welcome to Primary
October 30: Come, Follow Me - Hebrews 1-6
November 4: Dean Carlson Memorial 10 AM to 11 AM at the Stake Center. Betty will be there at 9 AM to visit with guests.
November 5: DST ends. Turn your clock back one hour.
November 11: Tithing Declaration with the Bishop. Please sign up using the QR posted outside the Bishop's office or here.
December 8th: First Presidency Christmas Devotional

Stake Temple Recommend Interviews - Members of the stake presidency hold temple recommend interviews Sundays from 2:30-3:30, except on Fast Sundays, or special holidays.
Stake Priesthood Leadership - Sunday, October 29th, 7 am Stake Center. Attendees include stake presidency; high council; stake clerk and assistant clerks; stake executive secretary; stake Young Men presidency (and secretary); bishoprics; ward clerks and assistant clerks; ward executive secretaries; elders quorum presidencies and secretaries; ward mission leaders and ward temple and family history leaders and, Aaronic Priesthood quorum advisers and specialists.
Stake Youth Dance - Saturday, November 4th, 8:30 pm FV bldg
Youth Covenant Path Class - Sunday, November 12th, 4 pm 17th Street Building all youth ages 11 and up
Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults 18-30 - Sunday, November 19th, 4 pm-5 pm (pacific) watch at:
Service to local non-profits - Thursday, December 7th, 1:30 pm - A big rig with 40,000 lbs of non-perishable food will be delivered to Grace Lutheran Church - 6939 Edinger Ave. HB. Help move the food to trucks of local non-profit groups.
Come, Follow Me Classes:
Tuesday mornings at 9 am with Bruce Richardson. Email richfamily13@gmail.com for study materials. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/98615168135?
Thursday evenings at 7 pm with Kevin Monson ■ https://zoom.us/j/99030933832?