Time & Location
10:30 AM
8702 Atlanta Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Bishop Joe Rasmussen
Quin Dowell, First Counselor
Dustin Morrison, Second Counselor
Assigned Missionaries
Elder Elder Blake Archibald and Elder Sidney Lancaster
Sign up to feed the Missionaries click >>HERE<<
Conducting: Bishop Joe Rasmussen
Organist: James Jones
Chorister: Eric Gustafson
Opening Hymn: #243 Let Us All Press On
Opening Prayer: by Invitation
Sacrament Hymn: #188 Thy Will, O Lod, Be Done
Administration of the Sacrament
Renewal of Covenants
Speaker: Beck Roberts
Speaker: Quin Dowell
Special Musical Number: Ward Choir “Praise to the Lord Almighty” Ashley Green, Accompanist
Speaker: De Len Holbrook
Closing Hymn: #308 Love One Another
Closing Prayer by Invitation
If you want to save a shortcut to this program on your phone go here.
May 26, 2nd Hour: Relief Society, Elders Quorum, Young Men & Young Women
We have a new elder assigned to our ward: Elder Sidney Lancaster
Here is a list of the Missionaries from our ward that are currently serving in the mission field:
Isabella Sorensen - Denmark Copenhagen
Jeff Ritter - Spain Madrid South
Kendall Roberts - Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square
Aiden Douglas - Chile Santiago South
Peyton Metcalf - Idaho Idaho Falls
Brandon Moffett - Missouri St. Louis
STAKE ANNOUNCEMENTS For more Stake info with more detail click >>HERE<<
Stake Temple Recommend Interviews - Members of the stake presidency hold temple recommend interviews on Sundays from 2:30-3:30, except on Fast Sundays, or special holidays.
Elder & Sister Mortensen Fireside - Sunday, May 26th 6-7pm @ Stake Center (See flyer below)
Combined Stake Youth Activity - Wednesday, May 29th 7-8:30pm @ Dayley’s (See flyer below)
Stake Primary Field Day - Thursday, June 6th, 3-5pm @ Greenbrook Greenbelt (See flyer below)
Food Delivery Service Project - June 6th - 3:00 pm 20112 Magnolia Street, Huntington Beach, 92646 Sign up here.
HB Stake Youth Conference - June 27-30 (See flyer below)
Young Women's Camp - July 15-18
Church Announcements
New hymns are coming!! Beginning May 30th, small batches of the new hymns will begin appearing in the Gospel Library on the Sacred Music app. Hymns will continue to be released in batches until the full hymnbook is published near the end of 2026.