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In God's Plan of Happiness each one of us is beloved & needed.

In a message from Gerrit W. Gong, called Beloved of God, he says, "In God's plan of happiness, every young woman and young man has divine purpose, each of you is beloved and needed."

Sometimes we can feel unneeded, not useful, or that just nobody sees us, but God and Jesus Christ always see you and are always watching over you. God knows and loves each person individually, and knows our struggles, strengths, and challenges, as does Jesus Christ. He has created each of us for a specific purpose that only he knows. He knows our abilities and what each of us are able to do. Through the spirit or Holy Ghost we can learn what that purpose is and yet other times we can still feel lost. We should have faith in Heavenly Father and that we do have a purpose, that we are beloved and needed, due to the many witnesses of Jesus Christ that have told us so.

While I was reading through Elder Gong's talk, a scripture from seminary came to mind. 1 Corinthians 10:13 it says, "there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make way to escape that ye may be able; but will with the temptation also make way to escape that ye may be able to bear it."

I really like this scripture because it shows how much God loves us and he won't let us be tempted above or more than we can handle. It also shows his love for us because he won't push us past what we are able to do. We can also see how much he knows each person because he knows exactly what is too much for one person to go through and hew won't push us past it because he loves us. During the trial or temptation we can often feel like it is more than we can bear, those feelings come from Satan not our Heavenly Father.

Elder Gong also encourages us to love everyone and treat them with respect. Especially our family. He says, "Our Savior can help you understand, forgive, and encourage those around you. As you do your best, the Lord will help and guide you."

This demonstrates how our Savior loves and knows everyone personally and he knows that it can sometimes be hard for us to love and treat everyone nicely, especially our little sisters if they are annoying us, and he is prepared to help us. To help us he gives us the Holy Ghost to comfort and guide us. Scriptures to read and ponder when we need answers to questions, and he sent his son so we can be forgiven of our sins and have the power to forgive others.

Later in his talk he states, "with infinite love, our Heavenly Father invites every young woman and young man "to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him." I like this because God will never turn away from you if you seek for him. Sometimes you can feel like God has turned his back on you but he is always there for you.

In a poem called footsteps in the sand, it says, "I don't understand why, when I needed you the most, you would leave me. He whispered, my precious child, I love you and will never leave you, never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you." God will never leave us no matter what, he is always there to help us.

In Elder Gong's talk he reminds us to make covenants with our Heavenly Father as they will help us become better children of God, as we do this we become more connected to him and his will. In Matthew 18:4-5, " whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receivers me."

God wants us to be as little children because they love everyone regardless of everything. God wants us to follow in that example and just love everyone and be kind to everyone. Loving everyone is the first great commandment given to us, because it is the most important. God understands that sometimes we can mess up, that's why he sent his Son so we can be forgiven. He sent his Son, because he loves us and he knows that we cant be perfect without him.

I would like to share my testimony that I am so grateful for the atonement so I can be forgiven for my mistakes. I believe that God has something in store for every single one of us, because he loves each of us. I believe that this is the true Church of Jesus Christ. I believe that we will one day be resurrected and be with our families again. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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