I will be giving a talk about the Aaronic priesthood theme, or the young men's theme in short. We say the theme every time we meet as a quorum on Sundays.
The theme goes like this: "I am a beloved son of God and he has work for me to do. With all my heart, might, mind and strength, I will love God, keep my covenants, and use his priesthood to serve others, beginning In my home. As I strive to serve, exercise faith, repent and improve each day, I will qualify to receive temple blessings and the enduring joy of the gospel. I will prepare to become a diligent missionary, loyal husband, and loving father by becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ. I will prepare the world for the savior's return by inviting all to come unto Christ and receive the blessings of his atonement."
To start off the theme-we remind ourselves of who we are, we are sons and children of God, and the work we have to do for him. We must love Him, keep our commandments with Him, and serve others beginning in our own home. I think the part beginning in my own home is special and means to start your morning by thinking about others that are in your house, or people you see daily. You can start by finding ways you can take their burdens off of them and doing that. For example, making breakfast, making an errand for the, or something small like smiling at them. My mum says it could be putting my shoes on before we leave the house, or even in the car, so when we get to church she doesn't have to wait for me to put my shoes on when we park. Ask her afterwards how often this happens. Also ask her if she wrote this section.
As I strive to serve, exercise faith, repent and improve each day, I will receive temple blessings, and the enduring joy of the gospel. This means that we need to want to improve every single day, just a little bit at a time. Lots of times we talk about primary answers-saying our prayers, reading or scriptures, but even though primary answers are simple they are important, and we should try and make time to do them each day. It isn always easy, and we can start to try again.
The next part of the theme talks about preparing to become a diligent missionary, loyal husband, and loving father by becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ. This shows all of what a boy, or man should strive to be. Missionaries should be helpful, loving, and should show love to Christ, and everyone around them. I will admit I have not thought a lot about being a husband and father, but I have thought about being a missionary. It sounds hard to go away from home, but I also think it sounds cool.
The theme finishes by looking forward to the Saviour's return. I am grateful for my knowledge of the Saviour and his plan of happiness and my mum who wrote this section.
I bear my testimony that I know that the scriptures and this gospel are true, and that serving others before yourself is the way to true joy and the path to heaven along with prayer, scripture study and repentance.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.