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Example Review - Visitor
"We visited Huntington Beach and found this church from an online search. We loved our time with them. The sacrament talks focused on the Savior and how we can be more like him today.
We stayed for Sunday School and loved how the teacher involved everyone in the discussion of the New Testament teachings of Jesus.
Example Review - Local Member
"We moved to Huntington Beach 20 years ago and found this church in our first week. It was important for us to find a Christian, Bible focused church that taught the divinity of Jesus Christ and that would provide a support structure for our family - mainly our children.
And we have been very blessed by the decision to come here. We have made life long friendships, been supported through difficult times and been able to help others through their trials as well. One thing we didn't expect but have been very happy with is the focus on community outreach. Our family has grown closer to the Savior, made great friendships and made Huntington Beach a better place to live."
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Harper Park, La Rosa, Pleasant View, Seapoint
Beachside, Pacific Shores, YSA
Cordata Park, Mile Square Park, MSA